
Severe Parenting Fatigue - P.G.D. #4

Severe Parenting Fatigue - P.G.D. #4

I feel like Severe Parenting Fatigue should be a thing.

As soon as a mom in my course said it, I jotted down SPF!!!! It's so ubiquitous and, personally, all too familiar. Parental burn-out is especially apparent at the end of the long school year but -- believe you me -- it really knows no seasons.

Yet relationships with our children are potentially the most rewarding of this one life we have. So why would we settle for anything approaching SPF? 

Becoming a Model - P.G.D. #3

Becoming a Model - P.G.D. #3

There's no doubt that my children are watching.

They have tried some of my strategies -- Jake, who's 15, likes the Headspace app on my phone -- but, more importantly, they see me vulnerable and open. I don't share too much of my childhood, just what I think is appropriate for them to know. But they appreciate my admission that when I fly off the handle or fall into a defensive, mistrustful stance that my behavior has nothing to do with their inherent goodness and everything to do with my own journey of healing.

And that kind of thing happens less and less. Oh, thank goodness! Working on communication skills, tending to my inner child and increasing my mindfulness helps me to choose actions and words that fit the situation and child in front of me now, today, in the present moment. 

The Parent Effectiveness Training Pay-Off

The Parent Effectiveness Training Pay-Off

You may be wondering though: Is it worth it?

You bet.

Based on my experience with three kids now 17, 15 and 12, here is how learning Dr. Thomas Gordon's paradigm and skills can pay off in spades: mindfulness; support for the parent; quick, if not immediate, results; children who want to be with us; joy and influence. 

I turned up the heat on summer homework -- C.U.E. #3

I turned up the heat on summer homework -- C.U.E. #3

At the beginning of the summer, Claudia set herself to doing 20 minutes of Chinese a day and packed a fiction book and a fresh notebook for this purpose. Over one month in, she had done less than two hours.

Inaugural C.U.E. Post: My T-shirt Tantrum

Inaugural C.U.E. Post: My T-shirt Tantrum

I was mindful that I was out of control. I apologized, “Sorry, I am being quite a control freak right now, I am just so stressed!” And then, suddenly I had another crisis: I couldn’t locate the Keynote presentation for my class the next day! I got snippier and toggled back and forth for a good 15-20 minutes between “adult” behavior and, well, a tantrum. Claudia gently said a few times, “Ok, jeesh, just calm down!”